Latin America is in the spotlight for its promising rise in climate leadership! Nine countries have set a collective target of 70% renewable energy use by 2030, which is more than double the EU’s target of 32%.
Colombian energy minister Maria Fernanda Suarez presented the target at the United Nations Climate Action Summit (that just took place in the beginning of October), where world leaders were asked to deliver concrete proposals to combat climate change. Colombian President Iván Duque was also present.
[blockquote align=”none” author=”Maria Fernanda Suarez ,Colombia’s Mines and Energy Minister “]It’s the most ambitious goal in terms of a global region. Right now, nine countries in the region have agreed to this plan and we will continue to get more countries to be part of this goal ahead of the upcoming summit,The introduction of viable renewables, meaning wind, solar, biomass or other clean energy, is the first priority.[/blockquote]
Colombia has been working towards diversify its energy sector by really pushing the implementation of wind and solar technology. At the moment, over a third of the nation’s energy already comes from renewable sources like hydroelectric power. There was also news about a massive solar project recently being approved by a government agency – it’s so big it could help save Colombia two hundred million tons of carbon emissions once up and running!
Source: IntelligentLiving
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